Hello bloggers~ It has been almost a month since my last post, mainly because not much has been happening. Just finished the last bit of my holiday and enrolled last week. This week was our individual pitch presentations - scary!
I managed to do mine today after some minor technical difficulties with my USB in the morning and was the first to present in the afternoon.
I showed everything I posted in my last entry, and spoke about my inspirations for the designs and story idea and got some useful feedback;
Most of my feedback was very positive, but I'll start with the improvements.
If I were green lighted to go forwards with this idea, I would need to make the animation a bit more 'quirky'. I think this would work especially well once the grandfather has entered the videogame world..
As well as that it would be good to have some concepts for the backgrounds.
Apart from that the response was very positive.. People seemed to like my idea and some even laughed at key points during the animatic, which as Mike pointed out, is a very good sign. He also complimented my drawing abilities which made me feel the most happy haha :D
Mike described my girl character as 'manga-esque' which I was kinda trying to avoid but he also said I had really made the characters my own with my style so that's not a problem as far as I can see!
Anyway.. I really hate presenting but everyone was very nice and supportive both before and after the presentation so I don't have any worries about it.
I've just sent the 3-sentence pitch summary to Mike which I will quickly post here in case I need it for future reference..
'A young girl and her grandfather have difficulty connecting. She is a videogames fanatic while he doesn’t understand the appeal. When he literally gets sucked into the game he begins to appreciate her interest and connects with her because of them.'
As for my classmates work, I was impressed by quite a few pieces and there were a few other projects I wouldn't mind working on such as Emma Wyton's 'Spooked' and Matt Vadis' 'Smitten'.
There were more 2D pitches than I thought so it looks like I will be able to work on a 2D film no matter what happens.. I've also had interest shown in my idea from Dean, Emma, Laura and Mariluz so if it is picked there are a lot of people who could help me.
Not much else to say for the moment, now I await the results!